Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sally Jo

I was late leavin Paw's place and Walter was sure glad to see me. You'd of thought I had been gone a month. I thank he smelled them frog legs in my saddle bag about a mile away cause he was there to meet me when I turned onto the lane. I recon I should have taken him with me to see Paw but he was all rung out from ridin fence with me the day before I left. I stopped by to look in on Sally Jo on the way back. She is a sister to Eve that married up with Tell so we are almost kin. I was thankin I might get another good meal but she had pulled a calf that evenin and was too tard for cookin. Her place is way bigger than mine and she works it by herself. We sat out on the porch, her in the porch swang and me in her dad's old rockin chair and looked out at a billion stars on a moonless nite. She had fixed me some crackers and mustard and a big glass of ice tea and I was a happy man. I gota go rub down ole Badger now. He will get a double ration of oats tonite.........

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know about you havin' frog legs, but I was aimin to tell you that if you wear long pants won't nobody notice.
